
Thursday, 26 September 2013

Reflection and Goal Setting Term 3-4

Reflecting and Goal Setting
Term 3-4

This term I learnt how to understand what I am reading while reading a book.   

My reading goal for Term 4 is to get a higher level in my reading.
To achieve my goal I will need to read more books at home.  
This term I learnt more powerful words to put into my writing and I also learnt new connectives.  

My writing goal for Term 4 look in the thesaurus/dictionary for powerful words and connectives.  
To achieve my goal I will need to ask for help if I am not sure what to do.  
This term I learnt some of the times tables that I wasn't sure of before.   

My maths goal for Term 4 is learn all of my times tables and that will help me in maths much better.  
To achieve my goal I will need to practice at school and at home.  

My personal goal for Term 4 is to have a better attitude towards school and to not get into trouble.   
To achieve my goal I will need to behave and listen to Mrs Anderson.  

This is a my goal setting an reflection for term 3 and term 4. 

Blog Comments

These are the comments that I have made other peoples blogs. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Camp 2013 Flipbook

This is a Flipbook that I have on when we went on camp 2013. 

Tony Williams

I have made this poster on Tony Williams for when he came to our school to talk to us about why books and reading are important.  

Camp 2013

Here I have made a Brochure of when we went to our first year 7 and 8 camp 2013.

Monday, 23 September 2013

This Land Production

This is a poster that I have made on our school production (This Land).  I have prepared this poster to let people know where to come, what time it's at and how much the tickets cost.  

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Camp 2013

Try our video maker at Animoto.

This is a Animoto video of the year 7 and 8 students who went to camp and had a very good time!

Kauri Dieback

This is my Prezi about the Kauri dieback. It is important that we know about this because it is killing our Kauri trees.  

Monday, 16 September 2013

Outside The Box- Key Competencies

This a presentation that I made about the Key Competencies. It shows what we thought we would use at camp before camp what competencies we actually used at camp.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Bruce Potter Visit's PBS

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

On Wednesday the 4th of November PBS received a very welcoming visit from Bruce Potter, he illustrates books and is a very awesome artist.  I made a short Animoto Video of him.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Kokako - Popplet

This my Kokako Popplet that I have created.  We had to take notes because we are going on our school camp to Kokako Lodge.