Reflecting and Goal Setting
Term 3-4
This term I learnt how to understand what I am reading while reading a book.
My reading goal for Term 4 is to get a higher level in my reading.
To achieve my goal I will need to read more books at home.
This term I learnt more powerful words to put into my writing and I also learnt new connectives.
My writing goal for Term 4 look in the thesaurus/dictionary for powerful words and connectives.
To achieve my goal I will need to ask for help if I am not sure what to do.
This term I learnt some of the times tables that I wasn't sure of before.
My maths goal for Term 4 is learn all of my times tables and that will help me in maths much better.
To achieve my goal I will need to practice at school and at home.
My personal goal for Term 4 is to have a better attitude towards school and to not get into trouble.
To achieve my goal I will need to behave and listen to Mrs Anderson.
This is a my goal setting an reflection for term 3 and term 4.