
Friday 14 June 2013

My speech- Chocolate


Who has ever sat at their desk with their mouthwatering for at least one piece of chocolate? I wish chocolate was allowed to be eaten at school without the the teachers telling you to throw it away or spit it out, isn't that a waste of time,  money, and most importantly CHOCOLATE! Well I think so, now thats why I’m here today.

Luckily for us the Aztecs were the geniuses who invented chocolate 3,100 years ago which they were trying to make beer.

Think about it, chocolate will make us kids become hyperactive during class which means we’ll get our work completed much much faster, there'll be happy children in the class, and happy children means happy teachers.  Don’t you teachers like chocolate?  Wouldn't you want to have some yummy, creamy and scrumptious chocolate melting in your mouth? Imaging how great that would go with your coffee?

Some believe that chocolate is high in caffeine when others say the chocolate causes headaches well, they're wrong, Does chocolate lack any
nutritional value? Nope it does not chocolate is a good source of magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.  The biggest chocolate bar ever created weighed almost six tons did you know thats the same as a fully grown male elephant? Imagine trying to lift that into your shopping trolley, and imagine how much of an energy boost that would give you?

It is certain that chocolate is high in antioxidants and is actually really good for you.  Antioxidants are vitamins and other nutrients that help protect your cells from the damaging. Today chocolate is the number 1 # snack for most kids/adults around the world.  

I feel that chocolate farmers are basically slaves,  so how would you feel if one day somebody suddenly decided that chocolate should be banned FOREVER, man if someone did that I think the world would be chaos and everyone would go CRAZY! The world is facing a serious chocolate shortage, in other words, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF CHOCOLATE! So why don’t we enjoy it while we can?

Wouldn't it be a great idea if we could sell chocolate at the office? Think of how much money we’ll make... think of all the reading books that could buy?

I’m not saying chocolate should be eaten every single minute of every single day, but at least so that we can eat it without being told off!

In my opinion chocolate should be allowed to be eaten at school especially during lunch time and morning tea when we need an extra BOOST! Isn't that a awesome idea? Well I think so...

This is my speech that I wrote about why we should be allowed to  eat chocolate during class at school.  Here is also a photo for when I was doing my speech. 

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